
I started this blog to upload my own photos so that i could participate in other photo blogs to submit to. Life has gotten in the way, as it does sometimes.

I like taking photos of a lot of things I find interesting.. mostly flowers. I also have another blog "Phlower Power" to show off my flower photos.

The Photo Blogs I submit to are in the sidebar. I hope I've piqued your interest.

Thanks for stopping by........

Jan 24, 2011

More Winter Pharm Photos

I haven't gotten out much in the last month. The freezer zone temperatures have been dipping down below zero lately. Lar and I manage to travel out to the Pharm at least once a week to check on the corn piles we leave out for the deer.
And I just had to replace the 'date' battery in my camera, so I was trying it out to see if the battery was a good one. Batteries don't like sub zero temperatures either, so I only got a couple from the top of the hill. Then some from out the window of the truck....

A Winter Trail...

Turn to the East...

Drive by Cabin Closeup..

Through the Smoke..

And that's about it...