
I started this blog to upload my own photos so that i could participate in other photo blogs to submit to. Life has gotten in the way, as it does sometimes.

I like taking photos of a lot of things I find interesting.. mostly flowers. I also have another blog "Phlower Power" to show off my flower photos.

The Photo Blogs I submit to are in the sidebar. I hope I've piqued your interest.

Thanks for stopping by........

May 28, 2010

New Designer in Blogger

Wow, I've been playing with the Designer in Blogger Draft for a few weeks now. I can't decide which template and custom configurations to go with, so I just change it a lot.

I used  to customize Blogger's XML Templates.. that was fun to mess with. I just followed everyone else's hacks.  There's always something you'd like to change no matter how many or how nice the new templates are and no matter how many changes you can make to the design. It's the hard wired stuff you'd like to change like 'new post'/'old posts' ,  stick a few graphics dividers in between posts, fancy up your Widgets and Gadgets..... 

I sure hope the HTML/XML template Guru's out there can figure out how to hack the NEW Templates.